En:Behaviour in case of damage reports and problems (follow-up)

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Depending on the shipping service provider, you can either record your damage claims directly in Winestro.Cloud (UPS), send them to us by e-mail (DHL) or claim them directly via your myDPD access (DPD). For all 3 providers, the use of officially certified and approved cardboard boxes is mandatory in order to be considered in a test procedure for damage reimbursement!

Please be sure to read before reporting a claim the following information on the respective carrier, so that you have the best possible chance of being reimbursed.

In this article you will also learn a lot about known problems that can occur during shipping.

In case of repeated sending of incomplete claims, unjustified complaints (repeated rejections), attempted fraud or knowingly false information - also and especially in case of non-compliance with the delivery conditions of the respective shipping service provider - as well as confrontations with the shipping service providers on our behalf/on the basis of our framework agreements, exclusion from the parcel mark service will take place immediately. Furthermore, we reserve the right to exclude customers from the parcel label service completely or temporarily at any time in the event of business-damaging behaviour without giving reasons, so that we can continue to offer the favourable conditions for all users. We thank you for your understanding.

Damage report UPS

Before the first report

Before you can create a damage report at UPS, you have to enter your UPS certified cardboard boxes in the package templates under System - Settings - Delivery, so that you can select them when creating the damage report.

Note deadline: We must receive the report within the first 7 days after receipt of the return, otherwise a refund from UPS will usually be refused. We can pass on late reports, but have no influence on whether they are processed or rejected straight away.

Create damage report

Damage report 1.PNG Click on the [+] symbol under Mail - Parcels - Damage to report a new claim. Please fill in all fields. (See pictures Report damage 1 and Report damage 2).

Check the box: Info in advance

Have you been requested by the Winestro.Cloud-team by e-mail to create a report/to be informed about a case of damage? Then please confirm this by ticking the appropriate box.


First select the corresponding invoice for the affected consignment. You can pull this from the Weinbau-online system or upload it as a PDF from your computer. Pay attention: If your own business data usually only appear on the invoice by printing it out on letterhead, you must do this first and then scan the receipt again. An invoice is not valid without the seller's data. Please note that free samples or gifts can only be refunded if an invoice is presented. In this case, you must create an invoice and discount it by 100%.

Telephone number of the recipient

Then please enter the recipient's telephone number. Please note that since autumn 2020 UPS refuses to investigate claims if no recipient telephone number is provided. If you only have a mail address for the recipient, you must use this to request a telephone contact. Pro Tip: You can also leave your own number and make sure that UPS does not notice the difference when contacting you... Usually you only have to acknowledge "the breakage did not happen at my place, there was no delivery attempt", "I never received the package", or similar. If the recipient has actually noticed something (breakage during delivery/at the front door), you should make it possible for UPS to speak to him.

Parcel tracking number

Below this, enter the corresponding tracking number, which you can easily obtain directly from the system. You can also find this in the Overview of all created parcel labels. You must create an individual damage report for each parcel. If several parcels from one sales invoice were damaged, make sure that the reports are created separately and that a precise description is given in the text field (see below) of which bottles were packed in which parcel.

Carton and filling

In the next step, specify the box manufacturer. Please note that you can only file a claim for a UPS-certified box. In case you have used a non-certified UPS box for shipping, please refrain from filing a damage report in your own interest. This does not qualify you for a refund of your damage and therefore you are not entitled to financial compensation. Rule of thumb: If your box is not listed under "System - Settings - Delivery", it usually does not have official UPS certification.

You have to confirm that the specified carton was actually used and that it was completely filled and approved for the bottle size used (you have to pay particular attention to this if you are sending 1L or 1L and 0.75L bottles mixed together). If one of these criteria is not met, the claim will always be rejected.


Below you will find the option to download a recipient's declaration blanco (only required for enquiry orders, see below "Parcel has been lost". Otherwise ignore).


Damage report 2.PNG If available, please upload images of the damage. Important information about damage pictures:

  • Optimally, you should have several pictures showing the size and damage of the bottles, type of inner packaging, and reference/test number of the cardboard box.
  • Additional pictures can be uploaded after creating the report via the comment function.
  • If your shipment has already been repacked by UPS in the course of the return, it is best to attach a "sample photo" directly, showing how you originally packed the shipment (the inspection number on the box should be visible).
  • If, in addition to the broken bottles, other items on the invoice were damaged in such a way that they are unsaleable, also document this in pictures and upload them.
Please note that UPS may reject damage claims due to missing pictures.

Description of Damage

A description of the damage that is as detailed as possible must be entered in the text field below. Make sure that descriptions of damaged or missing items also match the item description on the invoice so that the service provider can assign the loss to a net amount. For multi-package shipments, please also be sure to indicate which bottles on the invoice were packed together in the damaged/lost package.

Be as specific as possible when describing these individual incidents. Note that UPS will only refund at most the net value of the damaged goods and the net value of the original brand used after a positive inspection. The shipping material, a new stamp for reshipment and the VAT will not be refunded.

When you have filled in all the data, click on Create a report. This will be transferred to UPS and added to your list of damage reports. Past reports can thus be called up again and again.

What happens next?

If UPS gives feedback or has enquiries about the claim, you will see these in the respective message and can report back the required information directly. You will receive an infomail every time the other party replies.

Observe deadline: You also have 7 days to reply to queries, otherwise the case may be closed.

Please also note the status of the claim (Open, Waiting for feedback (from you!), In progress, Rejected, Under review by carrier, Claim being granted) and please be understanding and patient, as the review may take 4-6 weeks. If you have not received a message after six weeks, please enquire about the current status of processing directly in the claim notification.

In case of a positive check, you will receive an e-mail with the information that the claim is granted. You will automatically receive the credit in the next invoice and you do not need to take any further action.

Damage report DHL

If you notice any damage, please report it to us and not directly to DHL.


If you notice damage directly upon delivery of the parcel, it must be reported to the driver immediately so that DHL is informed. You are also welcome to report the damage directly to us so that we can also pass the report on to DHL. If the damage is only visible when unpacking, please notify us of the damage immediately, at the latest by the 6th day after delivery, so that we can forward the case to DHL.

A late submission will result in the rejection of the damage report.


Please report the damage to us by email, quoting the consignment number and telephone number of the recipient, and send us a copy of the sales invoice. If there are several items on the invoice, please mark the ones that have been damaged or inform us in writing which ones have been damaged. If possible, please also send us photos of the damaged goods.

Note: DHL usually wants to assess the damage itself if it has not already been recorded by DHL during transport. If an assessment is required, the damaged parcel (please include all contents and packaging) can be taken to a post office or DHL shop or collected by DHL. To arrange a collection, the end customer can also call DHL himself at: 0228 28609800.

Damage report DPD

Wichtig: Seit 2016 übernimmt DPD nur Schäden bei max. 12er Paketen.
Hier findest Du das offizielle Schreiben dazu im Muster: Datei:DPD Weinkartons Schaden blanco.pdf

Im Falle eines Bruchs bei DPD können wir das Management der Schadensmeldung leider nicht für Dich übernehmen.

Schäden musst Du direkt über myDPD reklamieren. Bitte erstelle eine Schadensmeldung über Ihren eigenen myDPD-Account.

Gehe hierfür folgendermaßen vor:

  • Logge Dich in Deinen myDPD-Account ein
    ⇒ Falls du Deine Zugangsdaten nicht mehr findest oder vergessen hast, schreibe ein Hilfe-Ticket im Forum, mit der Bitte, Dir die Zugangsdaten für myDPD erneut zukommen zu lassen
  • Gehe unter Meine Pakete - Reklamationen
  • Hier gibst Du die Paketnummer, den Paketinhalt, das Versanddatum und den Grund der Reklamation an
  • Bitte lade hier auch unbedingt die Verkaufsrechnung und Bilder des Schadens hoch

Für weitere Fragen kannst Du auch Ihr zuständiges Depot kontaktieren. You will find the number of your depot on every DPD label you have created as well as under System - Settings - Delivery. You can find the telephone number and e-mail address of the depot on the label or alternatively on the Internet.

Please note that DPD usually requires a purchase invoice in order to settle the claim. If no purchase invoice is available, the following value will be refunded: sales invoice with 25% discount. Since you are usually unable to present a purchase invoice, we have been given a special arrangement by DPD: the value of the sales invoice minus a discount of 15% will be refunded.

Was, wie und wann wird erstattet?

UPS: Ersetzt wird ausschließlich der Nettowert der beschädigten Artikel. Dies gilt auch für pauschalierende Betriebe. Kosten der Verpackung sowie der erneute Versand an den Kunden werden nicht erstattet. Wird Deine Schadensmeldung nach der Prüfung akzeptiert, erhälst Du eine Verrechnung des Betrags mit Deiner kommenden Monatsabrechnung.
Wenn es sich um einen Verlust oder um einen Totalschaden handelt, werden Ihnen auch die Versandkosten bzw. die Paketmarke separat gutgeschrieben (wenn UPS die Erstattung ebenfalls zugesagt hat).

Wenn Du eine Nachberechnung reklamieren möchtest oder ausschließlich die Versandkosten, weil ein offensichtlicher Fehler seitens UPS vorliegt, so schreibe uns bitte ein Ticket unter Hilfe --> Tickets --> Ticket schreiben, da nur Schäden und Verluste im Rahmen der Schadensmeldung abgewickelt werden können.

Bitte beachte: Die Bearbeitungszeit der bei uns eingereichten Schadensmeldungen kann durchaus 6-8 Wochen dauern.

DHL: Ersetzt wird ausschließlich der Nettowert der beschädigten Artikel. Dies gilt auch für pauschalierende Betriebe. Kosten der Verpackung sowie der erneute Versand an den Kunden werden nicht erstattet. In most cases of damage, you will be contacted directly by DHL and asked for your account number to transfer the refund amount.

DPD: Only the net value of the damaged items, packed in boxes of no more than 12, will be refunded directly by DPD to you. This also applies to flat-rate companies. Costs of packaging, the stamp used and the reshipment to the customer will not be reimbursed. You will receive the amount directly from DPD after the depot has positively checked your case based on damage pictures/the actual broken parcel and the sales invoice. The refund does not go through our contract and has nothing to do with your Weinbau-online account. You refer directly to your DPD customer number in the refund process and provide DPD with your bank details for transferring the value of the damage.

Please note that DPD usually requires a purchase invoice in order to settle the claim. If no purchase invoice is available, the following value will be refunded: sales invoice with 25% discount. As you usually cannot present a purchase invoice, we have received a special arrangement from DPD: The value of the sales invoice minus a discount of 15% will be refunded.

Unfortunately we cannot give any information about the duration of these procedures at DPD. This varies greatly from case to case and from depot to depot.

Repetitive rejection

 If a claim is rejected several times for no apparent reason or due to an error, 
 please do not seek direct confrontation with the service provider, but open a 
 a help ticket in the Winestro.Cloud forum: In this case, we will mediate between you and the 
 between you and the parcel service provider.

Wrong address/house number given or redelivery requested

Alternative search terms: Change of address, wrong address, change of house number, change of parcels sent, retry delivery, attempt delivery, postpone delivery, not at home, parcel not delivered, pick up at access point, drop off permit, requested delivery, delivery to neighbour, redirect, redirect parcel.

The parcel is still at your home

It is generally not possible to subsequently change addresses for stamps that have already been created. Manual overwriting is not effective, as the address is entered into the respective system via barcode. The only solution: You can cancel the stamp on the same day until 5 p.m. and then create a new parcel stamp with the correct address.

The parcel is already on the way


UPS: Shipper's options

Your own options are unfortunately limited due to our contract structure.

If you want to make address corrections because you have entered an incorrect or incomplete address, we can request this from Shipcloud. However, this is only possible as long as the parcel has not yet been returned according to the tracking system. To do this, we need the consignment number and the recipient's telephone number.

Our tip: Actively offer your end customers the UPS-MyChoice service when they place their first order. Via this portal, 'your customers can easily correct the address later and make delivery requests. However, registration requires a Post-Ident procedure, which is why short-term registration to process shipments that have already been sent is not expedient.

Since registration with UPS MyChoice requires some lead time, 
Alternatively, a note can be posted on the door for ongoing shipments. 
This should contain the address of the recipient, the tracking number of the package, 
the desired drop-off location, and the date and signature. 
Whether this solution works ultimately depends on the respective 
UPS employee and cannot be guaranteed.

In addition: Very helpful is the specification of the recipient's telephone number when creating the tag (is automatically inserted for existing customers with a telephone number stored in the customer file, otherwise manual entry in the parcel stamp creation mask).

UPS: Recipient's options

If there has already been a delivery attempt (you can see this in the detailed view of the tracking page directly at UPS), the recipient can be informed via the number on the Info-Notice. (is deposited in the letterbox by UPS), the recipient can request a redelivery or package rerouting digitally or manually, by telephone.

Even if there was no Info-Notice or no delivery attempt has been made, the recipient always has the chance to make his wishes known via the UPS hotline (01806 882 663* 20 cents/call from a German landline, mobile max. 60 cents/call). The recipient can simply consult with UPS more individually and flexibly about how the package can best be delivered for both parties. In addition, an existing UPS-myChoice account can be used.

If the shipment was delivered to a UPS Access Point, the recipient has the opportunity to make an individual delivery arrangement with UPS in the coming days so that the shipment can be delivered again. The following options are available for this:

  • by telephone: +496966405060
  • in writing: CustomerServiceDEDE@ups.com
  • electronically: myUPSChoice (if available)

Alternatively, we can request a new (fastest possible) pick-up via our shipping partner, for which we need the recipient's telephone number. It is best to send us this by e-mail to info@winestro.cloud.


DPD: Möglichkeiten des Versenders

Bitte setze Dich mit Deinem Depot in Verbindung. Die Nummer Deines Depots entnimmst Du von einer beliebigen Paketmarke. Ihre DPD Kundennummer hast Du bei Freischaltung von uns per Mail erhalten. Deine DPD-Kundennummer (sowie den Kontakt zu Ihrem zuständigen Depot) findest Du nochmal unter System - Einstellungen - Lieferung. Falls Dir diese Infos doch fehlen, melde Dich bitte via Hilfe-Ticket beim Weinbau-online Team.

Wenn DPD ein Problem bei der Zustellung meldet, hast Du die Möglichkeit, direkt über Deinen myDPD-Account (unter Meine Pakete - Zustellhindernisse), Adress-Änderungen vorzunehmen oder eine erneute Zustellung anzufordern. 

Hinweis sowohl für den Versender als auch für den Empfänger: Mit der Angabe der Paketnummer und der PLZ auf der DPD-Webseite hast Du außerdem die Möglichkeit, Wünsche zur Zustellung durchzugeben, wie Abstell-Okay, Tag ändern, Nachbar wählen, Paketshop wählen. Dies gilt natürlich auch für den Empfänger.

DPD: Möglichkeiten des Empfängers

Wie oben beschrieben, bietet DPD einfache Möglichkeiten für den Empfänger, seine Wünsche online per Sendungsverfolgungsseite anzugeben. All that is needed is the consignment number and the postcode of the consignee. You can find all the information about this here. Please forward this link to your customers.


DHL: Options of the sender

As a rule, DHL communicates directly with the respective recipient via shipment tracking and there are also better address research options available, so that even incorrectly addressed shipments arrive without your help. If you do encounter any problems here, please feel free to contact us via the help ticket.

DHL: Options for the recipient

If the parcel is at a branch or Packstation for collection, the recipient has the option of requesting a second delivery attempt. To do this, follow this link. In general, your customers can also create a customer account at DHL and thus manage their shipments easily and conveniently.

Seasonal adjustment of shipment tracking

Especially before Christmas, there is a huge volume of shipments. Therefore, unfortunately, delivery problems can occur with all shipping service providers. We have designed text modules that you can select for a (seasonal) change of the shipcloud tracking. Select your desired modules here and write us via help ticket if you want a change!

Parcel lost/Retrieval request

In case of a lost parcel/if the tracking has not been updated for more than 3-4 days/the parcel is listed as delivered in the tracking, but the recipient assures not to have received it - you can place a search request. Please check in advance on the tracking page of the respective service provider whether there is a delivery or delivery receipt with a signature or name for the parcel. If the recipient can do something with it, you can save yourself the next steps.


You can request an investigation directly when creating a "damage report" (under "Post - Parcels - Damage"). It is best to download the Recipient declaration in advance and have the recipient of the package fill it out. Then attach it to your damage report/loss report (Create damage report). In any case, you also need the sales invoice and the recipient's telephone number.

Special case: Parcel is in Venlo / the Netherlands: Don't worry, the return process (free of charge for you, of course) has already been initiated. 
process (free of charge for you, of course) has already been initiated and you do not have to do anything else
the goods again. If you have been informed about damage to this parcel, please file a damage report now.
Please file a damage report now, stating that the number and type of damaged items is still unknown.
Background: It is very rare for individual UPS employees to make a sorting error, so that
returns go to the contract holder (located in NL) instead of the sender (i.e. you).


If the tracking system shows a successful delivery but the end customer has not received a parcel, we require a legally binding declaration from the end customer and a copy of the sales invoice. Please send us both by e-mail, stating the consignment number. You can download the DHL form for the consignee's declaration at here .

If the shipment is simply "stuck", the copy of the invoice is sufficient for the time being.


You can create a loss report directly via your myDPD account under My parcels - Complaints. Alternatively, you can contact your local depot. You will find the contact details on every DPD parcel label. Have your customer data ready, which you received from us by e-mail when you activated your account. Please refer to your DPD customer number and the consignment number, not to our framework agreement.

Note: Please note that damage or loss must always be reported to DPD (customer service) immediately upon delivery or within 7 days in writing by the sender! The data is only visible online for a maximum of 3 months, during which time the customer can also call up the delivery receipts, after that only via kundenservice@dpd.de'. The consignment numbers are archived and the DPD employees then need the "month of dispatch" and the "year of dispatch" in addition to the parcel number in order to locate the parcel. As with any insurance, you must report what happened, how much the damage is (sales invoice) and, above all, photos as proof of the damage. (Photos of the outer and inner packaging, parcel label and damaged goods).

Missing parcels or goods

Should a parcel arrive undamaged at your customer, but with missing bottles, we ask you to proceed as in the case of a lost parcel (see above). Upload pictures of the intact shipping box with the missing bottles and a Receiver's Declaration from your customer confirming that fewer bottles have arrived. Please make sure that you always use certified cardboard boxes and also indicate this in the damage report.

More about Parcel Stamps.